Tuesday, 1 December 2009

RE: The Letter Killeth

Birches and Britches

You went out for some fresh air
by the bins with the smokers,
but neglected to sweep

that leaf-seed thing off your leg,
allowing Mother Nature

to procreate with your trousers,
creating, in time, a hideous trouser-tree,
sprouting trousers

in various sizes, styles and fabrics

– corduroy, Teflon, gingham –

with labels already attached
which you then sold to worried,
trouserless men in pubs
for a fiver each.

Poem by Mr Chris Lindores

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Poor John Allison

Friends! Dear Mr. John Allison, author of famed, incredible and really very excessively brilliant webcomic Scary Go Round is going through some not nice hard times with his new venture Bad Machinery. He culd certainly use our help to get his readership back up again. It's a bloody good comic too! Thank You.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Sunday, 25 October 2009

More Photographs

Here's a couple more photographs I took in the last month or so:

Also, my scanner fucked this one up, but I thought it was cool, here you are!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


So! I got around to scanning in a lot of photographs that I didn't have digitally. Here are some:

Monday, 28 September 2009


So, recently I've been working on some Illustrations for a children's novel by Bella Bathurst and I've just finished a first draft:

Thursday, 10 September 2009

As Suggested by Kirsten:

Here is Kirsten's suggestion, a Sheep with nice curly hair:

Friday, 28 August 2009

As Suggested by Stephen:

Here's the first suggestion from the "challenge" I have set up.

It's pretty self explanatory I guess...

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

A Challenge Of Sorts:

Ok, so, I thought this might a nice thing to do:

I openly invite people to suggest/request things for me to draw to put on this here web log. It is highly likely that you will be rewarded with big cash prizes and inevitable fame afterward*.
The rules are:
1. Nothing graphically and horribly sexual (comically is fine, I just don't really want to draw anything minging, you know?)
2. a) Nothing outrageously offensive, like Hitler killing a Jewish person or something, or anything to do with slavery etc.
b) No negative stereotypes (again, comical ones that wouldn't offend anyone are fine).
3. No plagiarizing someone else's idea. Character's from films/TV, etc. are fine but no copying a T-shirt design or anything.
4. Try and think of something that will be difficult or even impossible to draw (this is a challenge after all).

You can suggest/request of me in anyway you see fit; you may comment on this post, email, text or telephone me. Hell, you can even write me a letter if you want and I'll scan that and put it up alongside the drawing.

Thank You And Get Thinking!

*Actual chances of receiving cash prizes from William Burnett Hill (Myself) or gaining any form of notoriety from entering this challenge are extremely low, if not zero.

Sunday, 23 August 2009


So you might know that me and Chris have a wee band.
I just did a song for us this weekend and put it on our My/Your/Space. Can you please be nice and have a Listen.
Cheers, eh?


So this week I got a job. And the only reason I feel it is note-worthy to digitally scribble about it is because I walked into the Jessops store at Fort Kinnaird just outside Edinburgh to ask if they had any vacancies. I wasn't expecting anything, but I walked out having been interviewed on the spot and with a phone call an hour or two later saying that I had the job. So here is a photograph that I took/processed/developed etc.//

Saturday, 15 August 2009

The man with no taste:


I saw an advert on Gumtree for an Illustration job, so I emailed the guy who then sent me a "test job" to draw a portrait of a man (who I assume was himself) in a "caricature style".
He gave me some link of things he liked and the style he was after. Here they are:





Oh my... So I did that drawing up there of him and inadvertently made him a sleazy bastard.
It's safe to say that he can keep his job.

Sketch book things from recent times:

More to come soon/when I do some:


Hello, Hello.
I now have a blog. This is because I can't fit everything I want to on Carbonmade, so my things are going to go on here now. Hopefully I'll figure out a way to put some music on here too, so fingers cross'd. Nothing finished or anything, (I wouldn't do it without you, Chris) just some doodles and ideas and what have you for songs/etc.

Thank You!